The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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446 lines
0250 aloe {al-o-ay'}
of foreign origin [compare 174]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - aloes (1)
1) aloe, aloes The name of an aromatic tree which grows in
eastern India and Cochin China, and whose soft and bitter wood
the Orientals used in fumigation and in embalming the dead.
The tree grows to a height of 120 feet and a girth of 12 feet.
0251 hals {halce]
a primary word; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - salt (1)
1) salt
0252 halukos {hal-oo-kos'}
from 251; briny; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - salt (1)
1) salt
0253 alupoteros {al-oo-pot'-er-os}
comparative of a compound of 1 (as a negative particle) and 3077;
TDNT - 4:313,omitted; adj
AV - less sorrowful (1)
1) free from pain or grief
0254 halusis {hal'-oo-sis}
of uncertain derivation; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - chain (10)
- bonds (1) [11]
1) a chain, bond by which the body or any part of it (hands,
feet) is bound
0255 alusiteles {al-oo-sit-el-ace'}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and the base of 3081;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - unprofitable (1)
1) hurtful, pernicious
0256 Alphaios {al-fah'-yos}
of Hebrew origin [compare 2501]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Alphaeus (father of James) (4)
- Alphaeus (father of Levi) (1) [5]
1) Alphaeus meaning "changing", the father of Levi the publican
(Mk 2:14)
2) The father of James the less, so called, one of the apostles
0257 halon {hal'-ohn}
probably from the base of 1507; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - floor (2)
1) a ground plot or threshing-floor, i.e. a place in the field
made hard after the harvest by a roller, where grain was
threshed out.
0258 alopex {al-o'-pakes}
of uncertain derivation; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - fox (3)
1) a fox, metaphorically a sly or crafty man
0259 halosis {hal'-o-sis}
from a collateral form of 138; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - to be taken + 1519 (1)
1) a catching, capture, to be taken
0260 hama {ham'-ah}
a primary particle; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adv
AV - together (3)
- withal (3)
- with (1)
- and (1)
- misc (2) [10]
1) at the same time, at once, together
2) together with
0261 amathes {am-ath-ace'}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 3129; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - unlearned (1)
1) unlearned, ignorant
0262 amarantinos {am-ar-an'-tee-nos}
from 263; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - that fadeth not away (1)
1) composed of amaranth, a flower so called because it never
withers or fades, and when plucked off revives if moistened
with water; hence it is a symbol of perpetuity and immortality
0263 amarantos {am-ar'-an-tos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of
3133; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - that fadeth not away (1)
1) not fading away, unfading, perennial (See 262)
0264 hamartano {ham-ar-tan'-o}
perhaps from 1 (as a negative particle) and the base of 3313;
TDNT - 1:267,44; vb
AV - sin (38)
- trespass (3)
- offend (1)
- for your faults (1) [43]
1) to be without a share in; to miss the mark; to err, be
mistaken; to miss or wander from the path of uprightness and
honour, to do or go wrong; to wander from the law of God,
violate God's law, sin.
0265 hamartema {ham-ar'-tay-mah}
from 264; TDNT - 1:267,44; n n
AV - sin (4)
1) sin, evil deed
0266 hamartia {ham-ar-tee'-ah}
from 264; TDNT - 1:267,44; n f
AV - sin (172)
- sinful (1)
- offense (1) [174]
1) equivalent to 264, to be without a share in; to miss the mark;
to err, be mistaken; to miss or wander from the path of
uprightness and honour, to do or go wrong; to wander from the
law of God, violate God's law, sin.
2) that which is done wrong, sin, an offense, a violation of the
divine law in thought or in act.
3) collectively, the complex or aggregate of sins committed
either by a single person or by many.
0267 amarturos {am-ar'-too-ros}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a form of 3144;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - without witness (1)
1) without witness or testimony, unattested
0268 hamartolos {ham-ar-to-los'}
from 264; TDNT - 1:317,51; adj
AV - sinner (43)
- sinful (4) [47]
1) sinner
1a) not free from sin
1b) pre-eminently sinful, especially wicked
0269 amachos {am'-akh-os}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 3163; TDNT - 4:527,573; adj
AV - not a brawler (1)
- no brawler (1) [2]
1) not to be withstood, invincible; abstaining from fighting;
not contentious
0270 amao {am-ah'-o}
from 260; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - reap down (1)
1) to reap, mow down
0271 amethustos {am-eth'-oos-tos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3184;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - amethyst (1)
1) amethyst, a precious stone of a violet and purple colour.
0272 ameleo {am-el-eh'-o}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 3199; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - neglect (2)
- make light of (1)
- regard not (1)
- be negligent (1) [5]
1) to be careless of, to neglect
0273 amemptos {am'-emp-tos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3201;
TDNT - 4:571,580; adj
AV - blameless (3)
- unblameable (1)
- faultless (1) [5]
1) blameless, deserving no censure, free from fault or defect
0274 amemptos {am-emp'-toce}
adverb from 273; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adv
AV - unblameably (1)
- blameless (1) [2]
1) blameless, so that there is no cause for censure
0275 amerimnos {am-er'-im-nos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 3308; TDNT - 4:589,584; adj
AV - secure + 4060 (1)
- without carefulness (1) [2]
1) free from anxiety, free from care
0276 ametathetos {am-et-ath'-et-os}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3346;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - immutability (1)
- immutable (1) [2]
1) not transposed, not to be transferred, fixed, unalterable
0277 ametakinetos {am-et-ak-in'-ay-tos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3334;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - unmoveable (1)
1) not to be moved from its place, unmoved, firmly persistent
0278 ametameletos {am-et-am-el'-ay-tos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of
3338; TDNT - 4:626,589; adj
AV - without repentance (1)
- not to be repented of (1) [2]
1) not repentant of, unregretted
0279 ametanoetos {am-et-an-o'-ay-tos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of
3340; TDNT - 4:948,636; adj
AV - impenitent (1)
1) admitting no change of mind, unrepented, impenitent
0280 ametros {am'-et-ros}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 3358; TDNT - 4:632,590; adj
AV - things without measure (2)
1) without measure, immense
0281 amen {am-ane'}
of Hebrew origin [543]; TDNT - 1:335,53; particle indecl
AV - verily (101)
- amen (51) [152]
1) firm, metaphorically faithful
2) verily, amen
2a) at the beginning of a discourse - surely, truly, of a
2b) at the end - so it is, so be it, may it be fulfilled. It
was a custom, which passed over from the synagogues to the
Christian assemblies, that when he who had read or
discoursed, had offered up solemn prayer to God, the others
responded Amen, and thus made the substance of what was
uttered their own.
0282 ametor {am-ay'-tore}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 3384; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - without mother (1)
1) born without a mother
2) bereft of a mother
3) born of a base or unknown mother
4) unmotherly, not worthy of the name of mother
0283 amiantos {am-ee'-an-tos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3392;
TDNT - 4:644,593; adj
AV - undefiled (4)
1) not defiled, unsoiled, free from that by which the nature of
a thing is deformed and debased, or its force and vigour
0284 Aminadab {am-ee-nad-ab'}
of Hebrew origin [5992]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Aminadab (3)
1) Amminadab meaning "one of the prince's people", was an
ancestor of Christ, a prince in the tribe of Judah at the
first numbering of Israel, in the second year of the Exodus.
He was the fourth generation after Judah, the patriarch of his
0285 ammos {am'-mos}
perhaps from 260; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - sand (5)
1) sand, sandy ground
0286 amnos {am-nos'}
apparently a primary word; TDNT - 1:338,54; n m
AV - lamb (4)
1) a lamb.
0287 amoibe {am-oy-bay'}
from ameibo (to exchange); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - requite + 591 (1)
1) requital, recompense
0288 ampelos {am'-pel-os}
probably from the base of 297 and that of 257; TDNT - 1:342,54; n f
AV - vine (8)
1) a vine
0289 ampelourgos {am-pel-oor-gos'}
from 288 and 2041; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - dresser of vineyard (1)
1) a vinedresser
0290 ampelon {am-pel-ohn'}
from 288; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - vineyard (23)
1) a vineyard
0291 Amplias {am-plee'-as}
contracted for Latin ampliatus [enlarged]; TDNT - omitted,omitted;
n pr m
AV - Amplias (1)
1) Amplias meaning "large", a Christian living in Rome.
0292 amunomai {am-oo'-nom-ahee}
middle voice of a primary verb; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - defend (1)
1) defend
1a) to ward off, keep off
1b) to aid or assist anyone
1c) to defend one's self against anyone
1d) to take vengeance on anyone
0293 amphiblestron {am-fib'-lace-tron}
from a compound of the base of 297 and 906; TDNT - omitted,omitted;
n n
AV - net (2)
1) anything thrown around one to impede his motions, as chains,
a garment, a net for fishing
0294 amphiennumi {am-fee-en'-noo-mee}
from the base of 297 and hennumi (to invest); TDNT - omitted,omitted;
AV - clothes (4)
1) to put on, to clothe
0295 Amphipolis {am-fip'-ol-is}
from the base of 297 and 4172; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Amphipolis (1)
1) Amphipolis meaning "a city surrounded by the sea", was a city
in Macedonia through which Paul and Silas passed on their way
from Philippi to Thessalonica. It was 33 miles from Philippi.
It stood upon an eminence on the left or eastern bank of the
river Syrymon, just below its egress from the lake Cercinitis,
and at a distance of about three miles from the sea. Its site
is now occupied by another village called in the Turkish
language "New Town".
0296 amphodon {am'-fod-on}
from the base of 297 and 3598; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - place where two ways meet (1)
1) a road around anything, a street.
0297 amphoteros {am-fot'-er-os}
comparative of amphi (around); TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - both (14)
1) both of two, both the one and the other
0298 amometos {am-o'-may-tos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3469;
TDNT - 4:829,619; adj
AV - without rebuke (1)
- blameless (1) [2]
1) that cannot be censured, blameless
0299 amomos {am'-o-mos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 3470; TDNT - 4:829,619; adj
AV - without rebuke (1)
- blameless (1) [2]
1) without blemish, free from faultiness, unblamable